
Bismillah in arabic font copy and paste
Bismillah in arabic font copy and paste

bismillah in arabic font copy and paste

These two terms Rahman and Rahim refer to attributes of the One. To say bismillah is to humbly offer one’s self as a vehicle for the glory and majesty of The One. In one simple word bismillah expresses our wonder, awe and thankfulness while it also expresses our innermost prayer that we may have the blessing of another breath, another moment of life, and that we may walk on a path of truth and understanding. Thus, this beautiful word bismillah is a magnificent reminder of our relationship to our Creator and our relationship to all of creation. The Creator gave us life and the ability to move, think, and feel, but we are completely dependent on the Creator for the very essence of life itself. It is not us who do the work, it is not us who create opportunities, and it is not us who reap the benefits of our actions. The central idea here is that everything we do, every step we take, every breath we take, is done for, by, and through the essence of the One who created us. As an instrument of the One In harmony with Divine Presence.Using these basic roots, the term Bismillah might be translated as:

Bismillah in arabic font copy and paste